We at Diamond Pigs are a Crypto Wealth Management company. Our mission is to protect your Crypto investment during bad times and grow it during good times. Last May, we introduced our master bots in 2 of our active strategies (Jinhua and Duroc); both gained more than 20%, while Bitcoin lost 36% in the same period. In this article, we explain how we achieve those great results.
Diamond Pigs manages our customers’ crypto assets by executing trades directly in their digital wallets. Currently, we offer a connection with Binance. Soon more exchanges such as Bitvavo and Kraken will be available to connect. Once the signed up process and the selection of one or more investment strategies is completed, we get to work.
Berkshire is our only passive strategy. It offers the top 10 crypto assets by market cap and is rebalanced monthly. Berkshire ,which is an index strategy, offers no protection and simply follows the overall crypto market trend.

The real value lies in our active strategies. Each investment strategy contains baskets of coins that have been carefully chosen by our trading desk and have been fundamentally analyzed by looking at product offering, price development, company revenue, tokenization, the community as well as the composition of founding team. Each of the coins in our strategies is assessed by customised bots that are trained to process big data 24/7 without emotions, to step in and out of the market.
Each strategy is designed with various aspects in mind. We often use the analogy of choosing players for a winning football team. Each strategy is perceived as a football team. And we strive to win the championship with our teams!
Each football team consists of defensive and offensive players. Some may run faster and score more often and some are physically stronger than others and can defend better. When selecting the basket of coins in each strategy, we choose different types of bots’ characteristics for each strategy. Some may be more on the offensive side, designed to wait til entering and exiting a position. Whereas some coins are designed to get in and out much faster. and we….we are the coaches decide on the selection of players while the bots decide who gets to play and who gets to rest.
Our Duroc and Pennywell strategies trade a selection of fundamentally strong coins. While Duroc trades in any coins, defined by the team as fundamentally strong, Pennywell trades only in environmentally friendly strong coins; Green coins are usually built on ‘proof of stake’ protocols which means that those coins use minimal energy to create and distribute. Both strategies are predominately in for the long haul and trade at a moderate pace. Jinhua is a strategy that has a wider selection of coins and gets in and out of the market much quicker. Jinhua uses a called swing trading; a trading strategy where investors stay in positions for a short to medium time frame.

Core to our technology is our Master-bot which is the bot that creates all the other bots per individual coin. By using big data and high-intensified computing, millions of different potential bots are analysed and define the best parameters that support the most optimal entry and exit position.

Core to our technology is our Master-bot which is the bot that creates all the other bots per individual coin. By using big data and high-intensified computing, millions of different potential bots are analysed and define the best parameters that support the most optimal entry and exit position.

Our people-robot approach was introduced last May and since than our strategies have been performing way better than the market. In the month of June, we were able to avoid the events caused by Luna, 3AC and Celsius. While the market lost more than 30% of its value, the Jinhua strategy remained natural with a modest gain of 1.2%.
We invite you to try it yourself by signing up to the Play Mode where you can simulate the return on your investment. Just select the starting date and the invested amount and view the performance per strategy in real time.