1. Find Your Most Suitable Strategy
It’s important that your investment approach aligns with your specific goals, wallet size, and risk tolerance. Use our Strategy Matching Tool to identify the best strategy for you. Answer 6 questions to receive guidance from Piggy, our AI chatbot, on which strategy best fits your risk profile.

If your wallet size is less than EUR 1.000, we recommend avoiding trading strategies with more than 5 coins (such as Berkshire, Bisaro, or Duroc) and instead opting for trading strategies with 1 to 3 coins. This allows for a more balanced wallet with sufficient funds to maximize returns.
LINK HERE - Strategy Matching Tool
2. Trust Your Strategy
Once you’ve chosen a strategy, stick with it and give the bots time to work. Frequent changes can disrupt performance:
- Some trades may take weeks or even months to complete, and switching mid-trade can force the bots to execute buy or sell orders at less favorable prices, potentially reducing profits.
- Each time you change your strategy, you will incur additional exchange trading fees to rebalance your wallet.
- It has not been proven that using multiple strategies yields better results. Additionally, selecting multiple strategies can increase exchange trading fees due to frequent wallet balancing.
Consistency is key to achieving the long-term benefits of your chosen crypto investment approach.
3. Exercise Patience
Our bots are designed for long-term growth, not short-term gains. Be patient and avoid making impulsive decisions based on daily market fluctuations and the volatile nature of cryptocurrency prices. Our data shows that bots that trade too frequently tend to incur higher fees and often lose more money in the long run. Focusing on long-term results will yield the best outcomes.
4. Lock in Your Favorite Coins
Secure the digital assets you believe in by locking your favorite coins to ensure they remain part of your long-term portfolio. Use our “Exclude Coins” feature to prevent your preferred coins from being traded by the bots.
For more information, read this Exclude Coins Article
5. Reach Out for Support
We believe there are no stupid questions. We offer various ways to keep you informed and support your investment journey on our platform.
- Read our monthly email newsletter for market updates,
- Visit our YouTube channel for educational videos and tutorials - YouTube Playlist
- Explore our Knowledge Base with detailed information - Knowledge Base
- Ask Piggy, our AI chatbot to answer your questions,
- Our Customer Support Team is always available to help - Contact Us
By following these Golden Rules, you can optimize your investment experience with Diamond Pigs and work towards achieving your financial goals.